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Monthly Archives: May 2022

Get Your Car Ready For Summer

Get Your Car Ready For Summer

Your vehicle has different maintenance needs in winter and summer. Let's look at what you can do to get your car summer-ready. 1. Change your oil and oil filter changed You should only do this if you know your way around the vehicle's hood; we don't want to pull anything that should not be removed. Each car has unique oil needs that your mechanic can assess and sort out. If your car maintenance light is on, it's time to get an appointment at the repair shop. 2. Remove your Winter Tires   It's time to get rid of your winter tires because you'll need them next winter. Install your summer or all-season tires instead and check the air pressure before taking them for a spin. You can have this done at our repair shop for extra services like wheel balancing and alignment.  3. Inspect Your AC system   The last thing you want in the hot summer months is to sit in a blisteringly hot car or get a heat stroke leading to accidents. Sometimes driving w ... read more