We will be closed on December 24 & 25

Auto Repair in Stillwater

Mon - Fri: 7:30 AM - 5:30 PM
Roadside Assistance Service Available 24/7

Auto Electrical Repair & Service in Stillwater, OK

At X-Tra Mile Auto Care in Stillwater, OK, we are the go-to shop in the area for comprehensive electrical diagnostics and repair. An electrical problem with your vehicle can cause a number of different symptoms, such as apparent battery issues and problems with electrical components such as power windows or the radio. As soon as you notice an electrical problem, bring your vehicle to our experts.

At our Stillwater auto electrical repair shop, our ASE-certified technicians work on all makes and models of vehicles and can get to the bottom of any electrical issue you may be experiencing. Our professional mechanics will run various tests to determine the source of the electrical issue and get you back on the road in no time.

5 Common Signs of an electrical problem include:

  1. Battery warning light is on
  2. Car won’t start or shuts off while driving
  3. Dashboard lights are dim
  4. Radio, power locks, or power windows not working
  5. Vehicle cranks slowly

An electrical issue can be caused by a dead or dying battery, a problem with the starting and charging system, wiring problems, and much more. Our job is to figure out the cause and then help restore your vehicle back to safe and operating condition. To do so, we use special equipment and testing methods. Once we understand the problem at hand, we provide you with our recommendations and a full estimate of any suggested repairs.

If you need car electrical repair in Stillwater, OK, bring your vehicle to the professionals here at X-Tra Mile Auto Care. Don’t hesitate to give us a call with any questions or schedule a visit with us online today!