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Monthly Archives: May 2021

What is a Brake Fluid Flush?

What is a Brake Fluid Flush?

Regular maintenance on a vehicle's braking system is critical. Performing scheduled maintenance on rotors, brake pads, and brake fluid is essential to healthy performance. Without regular maintenance, a catastrophic failure is likely. Fortunately, one component of that equation, brake fluid, is a cinch to test yourself. It's a breeze to test your brake fluid at home using brake fluid test strips. As needed, a full brake fluid flush should be professionally done regularly on any vehicle. Brake fluid is a liquid chemical solution that is critical to the performance of hydraulic braking systems. When you press the brake pedal, the brake fluid exponentially increases pressure on the braking system. Each vehicle is designed with a specific type of brake fluid in mind. Utilizing the correct type of brake fluid is imperative. Adding the incorrect fluid can have long-term detrimental effects on a vehicle's continued performance. Brake fluid should also have a high boiling po ... read more