Posted on 8/30/2024

As summer fades and the school year approaches, it's time to prepare for the busy days ahead. Amidst shopping for school supplies and organizing schedules, don't forget one crucial aspect: your car's safety. Ensuring your vehicle is in top condition is vital for the daily school run and other activities. This comprehensive checklist will guide you through essential car safety checks and maintenance tasks, ensuring peace of mind and a smooth start to the school year. Tire Check Tires are the only part of your car that touch the road, making their condition crucial for safety. Start by checking the tread depth. Tires with insufficient tread can compromise traction, especially in wet conditions. An easy way to check this is by using the penny test: insert a penny into the tread with Lincoln's head facing down. If you can see the top of Lincoln's head, it's time for new tires. Ensure your tires are properly inflated. Under-inflated tires can lead ... read more